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If you’re looking for insulation options, cellulose insulation may be the right choice for you.

Cellulose is made of recycled paper that has been treated to be fire-resistant and pest-resistant. It is easy to install, and it is cost-effective. It also provides a much better environmental footprint than other forms of insulation, such as fiberglass or spray foam. Cellulose is considered to be more eco-friendly since it is made from recycled materials and has a low embodied energy compared to other materials.

Not only does cellulose insulation offer lower costs, but it also performs better than some of the other options available on the market. It can achieve a higher R-value than fiberglass and provides better air infiltration control than spray foam insulation. This means that it can help reduce your energy bills in the long run by keeping your home insulated more effectively.

In this blog post, we will explore how cellulose insulation can benefit both your wallet and the environment and why it is the clear choice when it comes to insulation options.

What Is Cellulose Insulation?

Cellulose insulation is an eco-friendly, cost-effective product made from recycled paper products, like newspaper, cardboard and magazines. Unlike fiberglass or spray foam insulation, it doesn’t contain any synthetic or toxic materials. Cellulose insulation is one of the most efficient ways to reduce energy costs and maintain your home’s temperature year round.

In terms of performance, cellulose insulation offers superior thermal performance to traditional fiberglass and spray foam insulation. It has a higher R-value than both options and provides better air sealing capabilities. Additionally, because it is composed of recycled materials, it can be recycled again in the future if needed for reuse.

Finally, cellulose insulation is much more affordable than fiberglass or spray foam. Not only does it require less labor when installing due to its ease of application with a dense pack technique, but the cost of materials isn’t as high either – making the total cost much lower than other products on the market today.

Benefits to Using Cellulose Insulation

Cellulose insulation is a clear choice for both cost and environmental reasons. It’s made from recycled paper that’s shredded and treated with borax or boric acid to make it fire, mold, mildew and insect resistant. This makes it a much safer option than fiberglass, which requires more chemical additives during manufacturing to prevent the same issues.

Plus, cellulose insulation is denser than fiberglass, meaning it’s not susceptible to settling over time. What this means practically is that you won’t have to re-insulate your home as often as you would with fiberglass—which can result in significant cost savings over the long run. Additionally, cellulose installation requires fewer man-hours than fiberglass or spray foam insulation, so labor costs are lessened as well.

On top of that, cellulose is made from a high percentage of recycled material, making it an incredibly sustainable option for homeowners wanting to “go green.” To make cellulose even greener still, some companies use non-chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in place of borax or boric acid.

All in all, cellulose insulation makes for an economically and environmentally friendly solution for homeowners who want an energy efficient house without sacrificing their budget.

Pros and Cons of Cellulose Insulation Compared to Fiberglass and Spray Foam Insulation

When considering insulation options, cellulose insulation is a clear choice. Offering benefits both economically and environmentally, it stands out from other types of insulation.

Here are the pros and cons of cellulose insulation compared to fiberglass and spray foam:


  • Cellular insulation is composed mostly of recycled paper, giving it a very low embodied energy.
  • It is not as expensive to purchase, transport, or install as fiberglass or spray foam.
  • It is safer for the environment as it does not produce greenhouse gasses in its production process.
  • It has excellent soundproofing capabilities and reduces air infiltration by sealing smaller cracks and crevices.
  • It can be installed on existing walls without requiring extra construction work, saving time and money.


  • It is less fire-resistant than other types of insulation due to its presence of organic material in the insulation itself.
  • Certain pests can burrow their way into cellulose material if not properly maintained over time and cause damage.

The Environmental Impact of Cellulose Insulation and Fiberglass and Spray Foam

When choosing insulation, it’s important to consider not only your budget but also the environmental impact of the materials. Cellulose insulation is the clear choice when it comes to sustainability, as compared to its counterparts—fiberglass and spray foam.

Cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper products, so it has the lowest embodied energy and greenhouse gas emissions of the three types of insulation. In addition, using cellulose helps reduce the amount of materials headed for landfills and incinerators.

Fiberglass and spray foam, on the other hand, are petroleum-based products with high embodied energy due to their manufacturing processes. They also contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can have adverse health effects. Additionally, fiberglass contains glass particles that can irritate eyes, lungs and skin when handled improperly during installation.

When you need long-term efficiency and sustainability for your home or business, cellulose insulation is the clear choice for both cost and environmental considerations.

Cost Comparison of the Different Types of Insulation

It’s no secret that insulation has become a necessity in homes and businesses. But what is the best type of insulation to choose? Many people turn to fiberglass or spray foam, but the clear choice should be cellulose insulation. Here’s why:


Cellulose insulation is an affordable option that costs less than both fiberglass and spray foam yet still provides considerable energy savings. This makes it an attractive choice for budget-conscious homeowners and businesses. Additionally, cellulose has a higher R-value than fiberglass, meaning it does a better job at keeping your home or business insulated for less.

Easy to Install

Installation of cellulose is relatively easy, as it doesn’t require specialized labor or equipment like spray foam does. It can also be installed in existing walls and ceilings without the need to remove existing material or create additional structural support, making it a great option for renovations on a tight budget.

By comparing the cost of cellulose versus other types of insulation, you can easily see why it is the clear choice when looking for an affordable way to improve your building’s energy efficiency while staying within your budget.

How to Choose the Right Type of Insulation for Your Home

When it comes to choosing the right insulation for your home, you can’t go wrong with cellulose insulation. Not only is it a cost-effective option, but it also has many environmental advantages over other types of insulation.

Here are some of the benefits of using cellulose insulation vs. fiberglass and spray foam insulation:


Cellulose insulation is made from recycled materials like paper and does not require any additional processing. This makes it much cheaper than other types of insulation, which have to be processed from raw materials and often require special installation equipment.

Environmentally Friendly

Cellulose insulation is made from recycled materials and contains no chemicals or off-gassing. This makes it a much more environmentally friendly option than fiberglass and spray foam insulations, both of which contain potentially harmful chemical components.

Long-term Durability

When installed correctly, cellulose insulation is incredibly durable and can last for many years. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their energy costs in the long run while also reducing their carbon footprint in the process.


When considering home insulation, cellulose insulation is the clear choice, thanks to its many benefits. Not only is it an economical choice with an impressive R-value, but it is also safe for the environment, as it is made of recycled materials and is completely biodegradable. Cellulose insulation is also highly renewable, making it a great choice for those who are eco-friendly and value sustainability.

Simply put, cellulose insulation offers the best of both worlds — economical and environmental — making it the clear choice for both cost and environmental reasons. Investing in cellulose insulation can provide both short and long term savings, as well as help you do your part for the environment.
